Want to add some new sounds to Crystal? You're in the right place. Download these user banks
which contain hundreds of patches for Crystal. After you download and uncompress them into .fxb files, you
can use the bank loading feature of your VST host to load them into Crystal.
An even easier way to use patch banks is with Crystal's patch bank browser. Just drag the bank (.fxb) files, one at a time, to the "Import Bank Drop" well in Crystal's Browse tab (under Patches on the Modulation page). Once imported, you can load a bank from the Banks menu, and choose patches from the loaded bank with the Patches menu. You can
find a tutorial for Crystal's Patch browser here.
Vintage Bank #1
This bank contains leads and basses.
Mac and Windows Download
Ambient Bank #1
This bank contains pads and atmospheres.
Mac and Windows Download
Motifs Bank #1
This bank contains grooves and rhythmic patterns.
Mac and Windows Download
Tim Conrardy Patch Banks
These banks contain patches created by Tim Conrardy. These patches use the Crystal 20Mb
Sample ROM. If you haven't already installed the sample ROM, see the download instructions
on the Download page and follow the "optional additional steps"
to install the sample ROM.
Tim's bank #1
Tim's bank #2
Tim Waters Patch Banks
Here are seven banks of patches from Tim Waters. These are notable in that they were entirely created on an iPad using the Crystal Synth XT iPad app.
Tim Waters banks 1-7 plus Rhythmic
Bank of empty patches
This is a bank full of default patches named "Unused". Use this as a starting point for creating your own patch banks from scratch.
Unused bank
Crystal First Birthday Contest Patches
First place patch: Titanic, from Jose Luis Iguarbe. Jose receives his choice of Stylus or Trilogy from Spectrasonics.
Second place patch: Zendrone, from Jon Shapiro. Jon receives a copy of Phatmatik Pro from Bitshift Audio.
Download both of these patches.
Want More?
You'll find lots more Crystal patch banks in the files area of the
Crystal yahoo group.
Groove Quantize Music and Sound (Dave Smith quantize@zip.com.au):
All patches which begin with "GQ"
Kriminal (http://kriminal.phreque.com):
Buzz Bells, Church Bell Organ, Damp Space Lead, Fizz Lead, Fly Organ, Lost in Space, Phat Pad, Rez Pad, Simple Bass, Slow Bell, Stutter
Komosa (http://www21.brinkster.com):
303ish, Blop, Bouncy, Bouncy2, Falling Square, Falling, Fuzz Chords, Metal Flute, Rich Fuzz, Soft Lead, Uziqy, Uziqy2
Marc Hoppe (Teksonik Audio):
2 voice syn, Filter 9 point, Filter Squares, FMFX, Machine, MelloSyn, Resyn2tek, Resytek, SimpleSq5ths, Simple squares
Mogadon, Banshee in the Attic, Bipolar sweep, Body Snatcher, Clangers out of Space, DX Don't do This, Fat Clangy Burble, Index Madness, Rock Me Sideways, Twisted Mind, Billabong Bob,
Crazy Tortoise, Migraine Flash, Seastorm, Caravan, Ballast Tank, Whiplash Kick, Dream Horizon, Critical Juncture, Radar Range
Scott Harris:
Harmonium Plux, Agile Wow Bass, Crystal Vespers, Distorted Pulsar, Enhanced FM Bass, Goths in the Sewer, Organ Crypt, Rhythm Sync, Starget Noise Gate, Xtorted Major Cadence
Factory Presets
These patches are the presets which come with Crystal. When you load Crystal, you'll find them in
the presets menu (the downward pointing arrow below the Copy menu in the upper left part of
the Crystal screen. However, it is often convenient to load the factory presets through the patch browser
instead of using the presets menu, so here are the factory presets in a .fxb file which you can
put in your CrystalPatchBanks folder.
Mac and Windows Download
Crystal 2.1 Presets
The factory presets have been changed in Crystal 2.2. If you have a song which depends on the presets from version 2.1,
you can load this bank into version 2.2.
Mac and Windows Download